In the spiritual world no footprints are left.
But frankly, they were much richer in the spiritual world.
As in the physical world, so in the spiritual world, pain does not last forever.
Science has brought great material wealth, people in the spiritual world has lost its emotional pillar.
An essential fact is: In the spiritual world, I am much mightier than you-to the extent that let you and those you run away shamefacedly before my poems.
Why does such a recurring anxiety reappears in our spiritual world? Because it is a way of keeping a balance, and the perfect respite in the spiritual world.
When a human dies, the soul passes into the next world, where its spiritual development in the physical world becomes a basis for judgment and advancement in the spiritual world.
Television Drama in language learning to provide them with a broad range of necessary knowledge, played Kaizhi, aesthetic effect, to raise a person's role in the spiritual world.
In material world there is difference between a sweeper and a cook; in the spiritual world a person who sweeps the temple and a person who worships in the temple are all the same.
In China's traditional ideological and cultural resources, to learn and Buddhism is so far still in the spiritual world of the Chinese people have a profound impact on the two systems.
In the spiritual world, the old physician and the minister — mutual victims as they have been — may, unawares, have found their earthly stock of hatred and antipathy transmuted into golden love.
He also warns people of their puzzlement in the spiritual world as well as their immoral behavior, for Las Putin's call for conscience and human nature has been his solution to Russia's way out.
Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined.
Though England made the rules, and a Frenchman invented the World Cup, many people hold soccer's spiritual home to be in South America.
You have gathered here in order to hear the messages from Kryon, the messages from the spiritual world of light and love.
Those spiritual visits to high places, and that wonderful intercourse with the unseen world, are not in the promises; the daily life of communion is.
These can be set up as a moral order in the world today, the credit society, a gentleman of the country's precious spiritual resource.
If he loses interest in the world to the extent that he is quite willing to let it go hang, for all he CARES, where is the evidence of spiritual unselfishness in this?
When others bully, do not resist or no resistance ability, no way to correct their own spiritual world, in the heart very dependent onexternal forces, heart pain cannot relieve.
In most communities around the world, goddesses are symbolic of a spiritual world. But in Nepal, these sacred females live and breathe.
The leader or group recite a prayer for spiritual growth in personal peace and world peace.
The huge spiritual world that music produces in itself, which also lies within itself, ends up overcoming material poverty.
Two things that make me fear: the starry sky and the spiritual world of the people in it.
The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony, by musician, educator, and Zen Buddhist Master Will Tuttle, PhD, was published in 2005.
《世界和平饮食--兼顾灵性健康与社会和谐的饮食》(The World Peace Diet:Eatingfor Spiritual Health and Social Harmony)出版于2005年,它的作者是作为集音乐家、教育家和禅宗大师为一身的威尔•塔特尔。
The World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony, by musician, educator, and Zen Buddhist Master Will Tuttle, PhD, was published in 2005.
《世界和平饮食--兼顾灵性健康与社会和谐的饮食》(The World Peace Diet:Eatingfor Spiritual Health and Social Harmony)出版于2005年,它的作者是作为集音乐家、教育家和禅宗大师为一身的威尔•塔特尔。