Eyewitnesses to other crimes have identified the wrong person in a police lineup or in photographs.
Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur.
He was the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong.
I've been asked: "What's wrong with getting you in little 140-character status updates?" Doesn't it sort of add up to the whole person?
Additionally, remember that messages sent can easily be saved and retrieved, or even sent to the wrong person, so you may find yourself in an
Deep listening helps us to recognize the existence of wrong perceptions in the other person and wrong perceptions in us.
And the principle of charity you observe when you argue in order not to do the irrational thing and to assume the other person is wrong rather than assume that you have misunderstood them.
At least now we believe that the mood of the person who serve us, indirectly affecting us, if the food is prepared and served in a wrong mood.
Marrying for wrong reasons is the worst decision a person can make in their life.
Often we waste too much time assigning blame and wanting the person who was in the wrong to straighten up and make amends.
A person may be sincerely apologizing and yet, the apology isn't perceived as sincere because it's spoken in the wrong language.
In feng shui, they never let on, but just by putting a bed in the wrong spot, you can focus enough chi to kill a person.
Start from the assumption that the person isn’t a bad person, but just did something wrong. What could he have been thinking, what could have happened to him in the past to make him do what he did?
Start from the assumption that the person isn't a bad person, but just did something wrong. What could he have been thinking, what could have happened to him in the past to make him do what he did?
They're falling in love with the wrong person.
That would be wrong for an important person in the village.
If you are being asked for help in something which you (i) can't contribute much to (ii) don't have resources to help, let it be known they are looking at the wrong person.
When the happiness of love is when you fell and fragmented, and perhaps find just in a wrong place at the wrong time the wrong person, together with the one guilty of a beautiful was just a mistake.
b. If the goods are sent to the wrong destination or receiving person, it shall transport them free of charge to the destination or receiving person stipulated in the contract.
True love is, when everything in the world is going wrong, all you have to do is look at that special person and suddenly, everything in the world is right again! - Anonymous
I love is not my lover, love the people, only to find out in the end love the wrong person, hurt myself hurt others.
The person we are trying to love inevitably says or does the wrong thing, or fails to meet our expectations in some way.
E: Don't be a EMOTIONAL fool. Try to be more pragmatic in life. Your emotions can sometime make you fall for the wrong person or thing.
If you read your content out loud and it doesn't sound like something you'd say to a customer over the phone or in person, then it's wrong.
We are always at the wrong time, wrong place, meng meng however is in love with that person, then, had to run out life, forgotten.
Maybe it is wrong to make a quick judgment about a person as soon as you meet them, but we live in a fast-paced world where people make quick decisions all the time.
Maybe it is wrong to make a quick judgment about a person as soon as you meet them, but we live in a fast-paced world where people make quick decisions all the time.