In this moment now, capture it, remember it.
In this moment now, capture it, remember it, Cause I don't know how it gets better than this.
Know that their choice is perfect for them in this moment now-yet stand ready to assist them should the moment come when they seek a newer choice, a different choice - a higher choice.
You have to be in the moment. Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.
The fact that you are here now at this great institution, in this great state, at this great moment for both you and your families is a testament to the fact that your preparation has begun.
Instead of having your mind elsewhere, bring yourself back to now, in this moment, focused on where you are and what you're doing and who you're with.
Now I would like to ask you to feel the energy here in this room for a moment, to feel the collective energy of all of us together.
You can't feel alive in the past and you can't feel alive in the future. You can only feel alive right now, in this moment.
Now, configure this installation with the configure script (you'll follow this same process with Snort in a moment).
Now this moment is striking in part because we had no idea - how could we possibly have had an idea?
If you're aware of that feeling right now, as you're reading this, you're living in the moment.
Everything derives now in this historical moment from human consciousness, and all concepts of whatever kind can be understood in that light.
But right now, in this moment, acting opposite Andy Serkis while he's playing a chimpanzee is a new and interesting kind of experience.
I want to suggest to you, however, that while much of this information may be useful, you already possess all you need to begin living a passionate life today, right now, in this very moment.
Now a number of these scientists are arguing that future geologists observing this moment in the Earth's progress will conclude that something very odd was going on.
"It's really exploratory right now, but this is the only way at this moment to make some kind of prediction of what is going to happen in the short term," he says.
Don't get stuck in the here and now when what is happening at this moment is just a small span in a long career.
This is a long journey and there is no better moment than now to group Parr's work in one book.
In this beautiful moment, you are. Here, now, live your great fortune.
So everything is at risk in how we live now at this very moment: how we live now can cost us our entire future.
Because everything exists in this present moment of Now, both the present, past and future.
Both can be transformed by what you decide to do right now, in this moment.
You are here... now... in this present moment.
We're in limbo at the moment because we've finished our work in this country and now we're waiting for our next contract.
But for now, for this special moment, Sun has played in an NBA game.
But for now, for this special moment, Sun has played in an NBA game.