Advantages of service is not in Australia, India and Pakistan line And Southeast Asia routes.
During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.
在英国殖民的那段时间,普什图族(Pashtun)的领土被杜兰德线(Durand Line)分割,并且导致了阿富汗和英属印度以及后来出现的巴基斯坦的紧张关系。
During period of British intervention, ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the Durand Line; such a division led to strained relations between Afghanistan and British India and later, Pakistan.
在英国殖民的那段时间,普什图族(Pashtun)的领土被杜兰德线(Durand Line)分割,并且导致了阿富汗和英属印度以及后来出现的巴基斯坦的紧张关系。