Methods The clinical pathway developed in urban hospital was evaluated by before-after trial and individual depth interview.
Methods The clinical pathway developed in urban hospital was evaluated by non-random concurrent controlled trial and individual depth interview.
方法采用同期非随机对照试验和个人深入访谈法, 对所建立的专科诊疗路径进行评价研究。
Methods The individual depth interview was carried out in 25 patients, who were seeking for TCM treatment, by applying semi-structured interview guideline.
Secondly, through in-depth interview and theory research, we find out the factors that affect the hotel's overbooking strategy and control of the business of team guests and individual guests.
Secondly, through in-depth interview and theory research, we find out the factors that affect the hotel's overbooking strategy and control of the business of team guests and individual guests.