The solution is a decentralized approach that lets the traffic lights work together by figuring out how changes at each individual intersection would affect the entire system.
解决这一问题就是采取一种分散的方法。 它通过弄清每一个十字路口会对整条路面系统造成何种影响而让多盏信号灯协调工作。
LFS is not the only system in this field, but it is the only system that allows you to work directly with individual source files.
Some individual computer users may be wondering if they should wait until Windows 7 is released to buy a new computer, to ensure that the system will work with the new OS.
The existing individual network storage system can not meet the storage requirements of those who work in an enterprise.
A link in the background between the individual and the payment system is required for any of this to work.
Individual work techniques used by employees calls for a safe system of work to be provided.
Based on the united work and occupancy of production materials, therefore, the rebuilding of the system of laborer individual occupancy has become possible.
Work to repair the damaged gas pipe was completed on Tuesday morning, but engineers have had to repressurise and test the system, as well as checking each individual property.
The big advantage of this system is that you don't have to break up the train into individual cars to do the work on one vehicle. The time saved reduces the period the train is out of service.
This system has following function: Individual work, Public work, Communication, Party and the masses work, system administration as so on as functions.
Because the company achievement comes from each individual business unit, the result of the new system can be achieved in regional marketing work.
Because the company achievement comes from each individual business unit, the result of the new system can be achieved in regional marketing work.