It becomes more and more important for the role of human resource accounting in management at the age of industrial economy substituted by knowledge economy.
Alongside with the evolution of agricultural, industrial and knowledge economy, the nature and extension of labor are changing, scientific, management and service laboring all create values.
Trained for knowledge about marketing, product information, industrial economy, public relationship, management techniques development, etc…
The mining area circulatory economy industrial chain is an important management forms of resources recycling.
The traditional management accounting formed in the industrial economy times, it has not adapt to the pricking up competition in the knowledge economy.
With the social economic form changes from the industrial economy to intellectual economy, the management and production of the enterprise have experienced broad and profound changes.
At the turn of the century in human society by industrial economy to knowledge economy step-by-step process, will inevitably lead to management thoughts on the huge transformation.
At the turn of the century in human society by industrial economy to knowledge economy step-by-step process, will inevitably lead to management thoughts on the huge transformation.