Finally it analyses the western industrial heritage re-use problems.
One is that, unlike a lot of rich countries, Japan has not forsaken its industrial heritage.
There are four parts in the thesis:The first part gives the background of industrial heritage.
It will be flanked by parkland, the spine of a 248-mile Industrial Heritage Trail for tourists.
Shanghai, as the most important industrial city in modern China, it leaved us many precious industrial heritage.
There are some who see Peel Holdings' plans for Liverpool as a threat to the area's cultural and industrial heritage.
The common theory of industrial heritage tourism is the theoretical foundation on directing people how to develop it.
Coal industrial heritage has a unique form. It is a new topic at home and abroad how to proceed the protective development.
Leaving its dirty coalmine image behind the region wants to use its potential from its industrial heritage to form innovations.
As witness to the history of a city, industrial heritage, whether tangible or intangible, is of great social, scientific and aesthetic value.
Industrial heritage consists of the remains of industrial culture which are of historical, technological, social, architectural or scientific value.
It summarized the conclusions of the study. At last it discussed the limitations of the industrial heritage tourism's research and the further research.
Characteristics of the site lies in the industrial heritage and wetland combined, from the industrial heritage protection and wetland restoration in two aspects.
White Swan Pond area has a large number of industrial heritage along the river, such as the Pacific warehouse, spent in warehouses, large blurted depot, Lutheran Hall, etc.
The vision takes it inspiration from the existing industrial heritage of the site, borrowing elements from the linear, early 20th century red brick factory buildings that line the streets.
The concrete structure stays unclad as reminiscence to the industrial heritage and layered with a wall painting as an intellectual place for narration, interpretation and spatial extension.
Research on the patterns of the development success stories of the industrial heritage tourism. The article choosed Dalian ship industrial heritage tourism as an important analyzed objective.
The "landscape" of this building evokes the rich heritage of "Art deco" industrial buildings.
The abandoned urban industrial field, as the non-regenerative cultural heritage in the urban historical civilization, is the concern and research topic of the urban design field.
The above analysis shows that the national industrial and commercial heritage in Wuxi city owns higher tourism development value and better conditions for tourism development.
The above analysis shows that the national industrial and commercial heritage in Wuxi city owns higher tourism development value and better conditions for tourism development.