In addition, in one preferred embodiment, a plurality of slots are provided in the closure plate for reducing the inflow of air at the entrance and exit ends of the transfer section.
When a stock hangs just above support, the inflow of fresh buy orders dries up, and those with stops below support just suck air and wait.
Therefore, it is possible to increase the height of the blades of the turbo fan without increasing the total size of the refrigerator and causing resistance to the inflow of cool air.
This article discusses the problem of regulating oil inflow by feeding back the revolutions of the diesel engine and of controlling air inflow with loading signals.
A cyclone flow generates in the blower duct (20) by the first air inflow hole (31) and the suction force of the blower box.
The built-in cooking appliance can efficiently discharge warm air and prevents an inflow of external water.
The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold, dry, air mass .
The paper investigated the methods to present inflow boundary conditions for the simulation of task air conditioning (TAC).
The paper investigated the methods to present inflow boundary conditions for the simulation of task air conditioning (TAC).