Federal Information Resources Management Regulation?
联邦信息资源管理章程FIRMR ?
Information resources management "is a concept consisting of many elements."
Standardization of information resources and data is the key to the standards of information resources management.
Heterogeneous integration technology is increasingly becoming one of the hot focuses of information resources management.
Standardization can improve the efficiency and quality of information resources management and boost information resource sharing.
Based on the perspective of public management, this paper discusses the main research areas of public information resources management.
First, the major theoretical foundation such as information resources management theory, transaction cost theory and theory of the value chain is described and analyzed.
This article has also discussed the comprehensive information system made up of the platforms of internet communication, information resources management, information ana…
The authors think that website resources are important part of network information resources, and website management is the key to network information resources management.
In the field of information resources management, research on automatic processing of information is active and relevant application systems are also in developing at present.
This system is important to solve the contradiction between information increasing and searching, and to promote the theory and practice research of Web information resources management.
It is closely related to the model of social information communication and the theory of information communication to build up the aim for postgraduate education in information resources management.
To supervise information disclosure and dissemination related to securities and futures and be responsible for the statistics and information resources management for securities and futures markets.
In the COBIT framework, resource management looks at critical it resources: applications, information, infrastructure and people.
For information concerning the techniques used to support failover and workload management for the redundant capacity, refer to the Resources section.
For more information on these tools, follow the links under "Cluster management" in the Resources section.
For more information on workload management features, architecture, and performance, see Resources at the end of this paper.
Model agnostic — WSDM does not define what information resources should provide in their management interfaces; this is what a resource model does.
Data sources can range from simple resources, such as memos and images, to complex schema-aware data types, such as relational databases or Personal Information Management (PIM) databases.
数据源的范围很广,从简单的资源(比如演示和图像)到复杂的感知模式的数据源(比如关系数据库或Personal Information Management [PIM]数据库)。
For more information on Balance and Torque, refer to the links under "Job management" in Resources.
See the Resources section for more information on build path management in Eclipse.
The DB2 Records Manager Web site is the ideal place to locate resources having to do with IBM DB2 Records Manager V3.1 and records management related information.
DB2RecordsManagerWeb站点是查找与IBM DB2 RecordsManagerV3.1以及记录管理相关信息的有关资源的理想场所。
Information architecture, a key part of information management, makes SOA more intelligent and manageable (see the Role of EII in SOA in the Resources section).
The Homeland Security Department wants information about the availability of a commercial electronic performance management system for its human resources functions.
Information Management System MIS, it is a computer software and hardware resources and databases - System.
Information management system that we often say that the MIS it is a computer software and hardware resources and database people - systems.
From the view of modern management science, a good enterprise needs four resources, i. e., human resource, economic resource, material resource, and information resource.
Meanwhile, data structure of all kinds of information resources and relevant management modes are studied. And finally, the systematic ensemble and main function module is designed.
The information management system is MIS which we often said, it is computer software and hardware resources as well as the database person - machine system.
The information management system is MIS which we often said, it is computer software and hardware resources as well as the database person - machine system.