They define the structure of the input data source and the structure of the output document.
Not all input fields need to be used and some output fields may be populated with data from another source.
Typically the service is either invoked with this input as a parameter of the service request (by value) or the service gathers the data from one or more specified source (by reference).
Accepting user input or any other data from an untrusted source is one of the most common risks a PHP developer can take when developing applications.
The source (or in this case, sources) of the input data.
For stored procedures, you can map the input and output parameters of the stored procedure to the data set source columns as defined in the select command.
Figure 3 shows some of the sample data that's processed by Prop2XLF, including the input source, the intermediate result, and the final output.
图3显示了Prop 2xlf处理的一些示例数据,其中包括输入源文件、中间结果和最后的输出。
When running as a top-level language, XQuery needs to have a source of input data.
当XQuery 被作为顶层语言时,它需要一个输入数据的源。
One of the hardest things to do is to differentiate between untrusted input from an external source — such as a user, another Web site, or some other resource — and data that is validated already.
Ruport is an extensible reporting system which allows to take data from a number of input source types (CSV, ActiveRecord models, etc.) and generate reports in various formats (PDF, HTML, etc.).
To complete the scenario, you need to extract the appropriate information from the XML Input source and load this data into the DWADMIN.HOLDINGS table.
为了完成这个场景,您需要从XMLinput源提取适当的数据,并将其装载到DWADMIN. holdings表。
The transformToXML() method, which accepts the source XML data as an input argument, is then used to transform the XML document into an HTML page, using the rules specified in the XSL stylesheet.
transformToXML()方法接受源XML数据作为输入参数,然后使用XSL样式表中指定的规则将 XML文档转换为HTML页面。
To enter the data source information, you need to either input the table definitions manually or import the definitions directly from source data in DataStage.
Change the Source setting to the adapter database, because you are going to fetch the input data from the database.
Listing 8 contains the RPG source code example for redefining the input indicator array to a data structure.
But a message queue or set of input arguments can also be thought of as a data source.
In other words, I create the query at one point, but I don't actually evaluate it (capture input values and query underlying data source) until I start to use the query results.
Data source definitions define the structure of the input data.
The Arduino is an inexpensive, adaptable, and programmable open source microprocessor that can read data input in the form of voltage at its analog pins.
The input requirements are user name, password, data source, street address, city, state, zip code.
In the paper the system structure and its elements, the data type, input and output methods, user interfaces, the source code management and the version updating method have been presented.
Data transformation means parsing an input XML document into a tree of nodes, and then converting the source tree into a result tree. Transformation is about data exchange.
This paper analyzes the problems in data input of digital map publish especially in vector data input, and indicates the importance of multi-source vector data use.
Parameterize Data Source command also creates controls on your form to input the parameter values and execute the query.
Parameterize Data Source command also creates controls on your form to input the parameter values and execute the query.