After the approval of the inspection and quarantine window, the import customs clearance of goods will be shipped to the customs declaration.
A preliminary inspection of the shuttle's thermal blanket under the commander's cockpit window showed it remained intact during re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
The post-Fukushima inspection reports that NRC ordered for all U. S. nuclear power plants provide a window into risks that the task force says the agency should address.
This paper introduce the method of controlling the transfer of communication task in X Window of system control station of the large container inspection system.
Inspection on window glass maintenance device is one of the common works for vehicle servicemen. The author introduces the maintenance and inspection of electric wiper and rear window defogger.
The work door has applied glass window for inspection and fixed with safety device ensures safe and reliable operation.
The work door has applied glass window for inspection and fixed with safety device ensures safe and reliable operation.