As an advocate of mobile E-commerce, Nokia is in a leading position in putting Internet in the pocket.
The components, which together cost about $350, plug into an Internet-enabled mobile phone that rests in the wearer’s pocket.
We think that the new technologies we are introducing now have huge compatibility and will basically bring you the Internet in your pocket.
They offered it on their desktop browsers after all, and this new device was supposed to be putting the Internet in your pocket.
With its maps and Internet access, the iPhone saves us time; with its downloadable games, we also carry a game machine in our pocket.
As you know, the iPhone really brings the Internet to a mobile device for the first time, you have the Internet in your pocket — and that's being borne out by usage stats for mobile browser usage.
Take a look at the money in your pocket or keep with you that the best Internet access, as well as extra money to call you never know, I actually know how to save to save.
Take a look at the money in your pocket or keep with you that the best Internet access, as well as extra money to call you never know, I actually know how to save to save.