The content of this paper included: conclusion, form, content, effectiveness, performance, modification and assignment, termination and interpretation of contract.
However, compared to interpretation of contract, interpretation of will is always considered less important in our country, and there are some problems in the judicial practices.
The contract admits of no other interpretation.
First, I would argue, to hold that Shylock could take a pound of flesh but no blood is to adopt an interpretation of the contract that leads to an absurdity.
The headings and marginal notes in these Conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract.
As regard its legislation model, an expedient is to admit its rationality and justice by judicatory interpretation, an ideal one is to prescribe it as a named contract in the debt part of civil code.
This contract is written both in Chinese and English. For purposes of meaning or interpretation of the contract, the English language shall govern.
The titles to the Articles are for convenience of reference only, not part of this Contract and shall not in any way affect the interpretation thereof.
Any dispute arising from the interpretation or performance of the Contract shall be resolved through mutual consultation of both Parties.
The formation, validity, interpretation, execution in respect of this Contract shall be governed by the relevant laws of Tanzania.
The aim of contract interpretation is not in fine understanding and depiction, but in the criterion enginery of contract, which is we called the norm of judgment.
In the practice of contract interpretation, judge is managing but not quoting the interpretation rule.
The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation.
Contract interpretation is for clearing up ambiguities and misunderstandings. The process of judging the content's true meaning of a contract is an important system in contract law.
If no such provision exist, the general provision of the company law shall apply and matters may be handle with reference to Part Eighteen of the Contract law and Interpretation.
The formation of this Contract, its validity, interpretation, execution and settlement of disputes in connection herewith shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.
Section headings in this contract are used for reference purpose only and shall not affect the meaning and interpretation of any part of this contract.
This interpretation is not directly applicable to the Law on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests and the Law of Contract.
Operational interpretation rules are primarily those applied to ascertain the meaning of the contract.
There are a few of new characteristics in the interpretation of modem contract law.
In the respect of academic interpretation and judicial practice, the third party essentially has the performing claim to debtor according to contract law.
Section six, contract defense analysis, analyzes the feasibility of contract defense according to the relevant judicial interpretation and civil law principle.
Parties to the contract of the relevant provisions of the contract interpretation or performance event of a dispute, through friendly consultation manner.
Apart from this, if an employer and its employee have different understandings towards the contents of the employment contract, the interpretation in favor of the employee shall be adopted.
The author holds that, in the interpretation of items in a contract of adhesion, a principle that is beneficial to the other party sho…
The objective of interpretation focuses on determining the intent of the parties in the contract.
The headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract.
The headings and marginal notes in these conditions shall not be deemed part thereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation or construction thereof or of the Contract.