Interest in sports and sports training preference is intrinsic reward mechanism.
There's a big intrinsic reward for claiming to find something completely new that contradicts all established wisdom.
Research links kids' creativity with their intrinsic motivation; praise or reward them too much and you zap both.
Dr Arthur Cassidy, a social psychologist in Belfast, says that part of our motivation for giving is the intrinsic psychological reward it provides for the giver.
贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的社会心理学家亚瑟·卡西迪博士(DrArthur Cassidy)表示,我们送礼的部分动机是出于作为送礼者所体验到的一种内在的心理回报。
Dr Arthur Cassidy, a social psychologist in Belfast, says that part of our motivation for giving is the intrinsic psychological reward it provides for the giver.
贝尔法斯特(Belfast)的社会心理学家亚瑟·卡西迪博士(DrArthur Cassidy)表示,我们送礼的部分动机是出于作为送礼者所体验到的一种内在的心理回报。