Four years later the Iraq Study Group revealed that the American embassy in Iraq employs only six fluent Arab speakers.
But the president says he doesn't believe the Iraq Study Group expects him to act on every one of its recommendations released yesterday.
For all the sober and sensible recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, getting out of Iraq is going to prove a lot harder than getting in.
And yet he had been a member of the Iraq Study Group, a bipartisan panel that advocated a phased withdrawal from Iraq soon after Mr Gates's appointment.
Congressman Frank Wolf was the author of legislation that created the Iraq Study Group, the bipartisan panel that issued a report in 2006 assessing U.S. strategy in Iraq.
沃尔夫议员(Frank Wolf)当初最先在国会提出议案、要求成立伊拉克问题特别委员会。这一跨党派特别委员会于2006年就美国针对伊拉克的战略出台了一份专题报告。
S. mission in Iraq — including the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, headed by James Baker III and Lee Hamilton — call for retaining a small counterterrorism force there.
S. mission in Iraq — including the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, headed by James Baker III and Lee Hamilton — call for retaining a small counterterrorism force there.