The resulting steel appears to achieve a combination of strength and toughness that is comparable to that of modern steels that are very rich in alloy content and, therefore, very expensive.
Yet, on the whole, he is comparable to the best.
In its impact, the work is comparable to Herodotus and his Histories.
The cost of the procedure is comparable to a liver transplant, Rodriguez said.
They found that coffee biodiesel is comparable to the best biodiesels on the market.
They aim to improve execution speed so that it is comparable to that of native code.
他们的目标是将脚本的执行速度提高到和本地代码(native code)一样快的水平。
Can you help me to determine if my degree is comparable to a U. S. bachelor's degree?
This is comparable to the way the traditional HTML-based sitemaps (or homepages) are registered.
Writing audit log events is comparable to writing database log records in a database system.
This output is comparable to the output shown in Listing 5, from the earlier XQuery approach.
The researchers found that coffee biodiesel is comparable to the best biodiesels on the market.
The Antarctic is comparable to space: It's extremely cold down there and you spend a lot of time indoors.
Though he's not the one who can get the highest score, yet, on the whole, he is comparable to the best.
Verify that the total price over 3-5 years is comparable to the normal model and in line with market reality.
通常要确保这种方式在3 - 5年间在市场实际水平上同普通的定价方式相比是有竞争力的。
The importance of US-China relations is comparable to any bilateral relations in the world in the 21st century.
The country most likely to respond is Russia, whose nuclear arsenal is comparable to that of the United States.
This process is comparable to taking a piece of paper out of a file cabinet and putting it on your desk, ready for use.
Uploading this one-megabyte software update takes around an hour, so its speed is comparable to that of a 1990s modem connection.
In terms of storage space, the iPod touch is comparable to the iPhone and the iPod nano, although it also comes in a 16 GB model.
以存储空间来说,iPodtouch和iPhone, iPodnano类似,虽然它也有16gb的版本。
Smart men like monkeys, a woman is comparable to the clever fox, a fox, of course, not all are smart, but at least very cautious.
The bulbs are estimated to last up to 6,000 hours, which is comparable to CFLs, and three to four times as long as incandescent bulbs.
Several studies have actually found that the psychological impact of a diagnosis of infertility is comparable to a diagnosis of cancer.
Each Power Pack can be made for around $5, says Mr Lifton, which is comparable to the cost of the platinum alone in a direct-methanol fuel cell.
Bamboo has incredible tensile strength, meaning that it can withstand significant amounts of stress and is comparable to steel's tensile strength.
One limiting factor is the viewing Angle, which is comparable to using a camera lens: a telephoto lens has a narrower view than a wide-angle lens.
An object which has a URI, can be accessed via HTTP and has' read 'permission to everyone is comparable to an object being served from a web server.
The time taken by the federated system is comparable to the time taken when the query is executed directly against the data source for single-source queries.
The time taken by the federated system is comparable to the time taken when the query is executed directly against the data source for single-source queries.