This judicial review claim is struck out.
Though he is not a scientist, he had struck out evidence that glaciers were retreating and inserted phrases suggesting that there was serious scientific doubt about global warming (15).
Bolivia is considering pulling out of the convention if its modest proposal is struck down.
It's been a little over two weeks since Alix and I (and Lola the cat) moved to Oakland, CA. and one of the things that struck me recently was how good life is out here.
When the software is fed a magnetic-resonance image of an injured skull with some bones struck out, it generates patient-specific designs to fill in the missing bits.
That is partly because the earthquake struck the capital, Port-au-Prince, knocking out such institutions as the country possessed.
The evening star will come out when my voyage is done and the plaintive notes of the twilight melodies be struck up from the King's gateway.
One fragment of that ancient smash is thought to have struck Earth 65 million years ago, triggering a mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs.
When you strip out the blather about bank transparency and such, this is the core bargain that needs to be struck.
In any case, if it seems that the ball would not have struck the stumps, the batsman is not out.
The only record now is the accounts of the survivors, and as word of what happened here has begun to seep out, even disaster-struck Japan has found itself aghast.
Under my window a beggar has just struck up a song and is almost drowned out by the cries of the hawkers.
Under my window a beggar has just struck up a song and is almost drowned out by the cries of the hawkers.