This is a good reason to doubt the sun, but can it be proven?
The saola has been called Asia's "unicorn", though there is at least one good reason not use that term: "bicorn" is more like it.
Whatever the reason, pub owners now say they hold quiz nights because quizzers drink like fish, so it is good business for them.
Precisely for that reason, it could be argued, the decision to repeal DADT is a good one.
The shape of the building is domical for a reason – it helps the wind generators to create a good climate.
The reason it wasn't super easy is because our lives are NOT governed by "good ideas," but by two master "governors," those governors are pleasure and pain.
The reason it wasn't super easy is because our lives are NOT governed by “good ideas,” but by two master “Governors,” those governors are pleasure and pain.
SOPA, as it is known, has Internet advocates boiling - and with good reason.
The reason why I now switch directions - and call this plus — as well as this — is a good reason for it.
This is the reason why it makes good sense to setup a separate CSX task (with a separate archpro instance) just for the journaled mail.
This is bizarre, because there's really no good reason for it to do that, but this has been true from the beginning and some programs depend on that.
While this is just an example, it illustrates the fact that when crossing domain boundaries there is no good reason to do exchange by copy.
Unless there is a very good reason for keeping treasure hidden it is a waste, not only of time but also of the treasure itself, to bury it.
Out in the real world there's a good reason to favour your own group - normally it is also advantageous to yourself.
However, is there a good reason aside from the, "I don't like it" mantra repeating itself in your brain?
There is good reason for thinking that Locke was a Unitarian. I have seen it argued that Milton was.
The most important reason for having surprisingly good customer service is that it helps you understand your users.
The behaviour of crowds is sometimes unpredictable and occasionally deadly, but there is good reason to believe it is governed by simple rules.
This might seem like a basic idea to understand, but the real difficulty comes in facing up to it - there is often a good reason we are covering them up in the first place.
Is it necessary to reason about the good life in order to decide what is just and what rights people have?
It reminds us that there is no reason good enough to worry.
If millions of Japanese wondering what they need to do to get out of harm's way are confused, there is good reason for it.
While it is possible that kidnappers have obtained uniforms and can masquerade as police or soldiers, Campbell says Mexicans have good reason to be skeptical.
Either reason is good as it allows an organization to kick-start UML.
This year, it seems like everyone is cruising - and for good reason.
Greece is expected to hold up better because it is less exposed to the global economy (" a good thing for a bad reason, "notes one policymaker).
Greece is expected to hold up better because it is less exposed to the global economy (" a good thing for a bad reason, "notes one policymaker).