"To sit down and have somebody look at me and talk to me like a person and not just an illness, it helped me feel cared about and less alone," she says.
That kind of quietness makes me feel kind of scared, it was quiet like nobody was there and you just feel alone.
I don't feel lonely when I am alone; it just comes to me when I am missing someone.
But just last month markets were stunned when Dubai World said it wanted to postpone debt payments, and it is too soon to feel relief, let alone optimism.
但就在上个月,迪拜世界(Dubai World)表示打算推迟偿还债务的消息再次震动了市场。现在就松一口气还为时过早,更不用说感到乐观了。
But just last month markets were stunned when Dubai World said it wanted to postpone debt payments, and it is too soon to feel relief, let alone optimism.
但就在上个月,迪拜世界(Dubai World)表示打算推迟偿还债务的消息再次震动了市场。现在就松一口气还为时过早,更不用说感到乐观了。