'I will put it together and he will say,' it looks like poop, "says Ms." Hills, 31, a social media specialist for a marketing firm, who lives in Bartlett, ill.
Nowadays every (IT) person, whether you take an IT Specialist or a more business-focused consultant, has a personal definition of what SOA is or is not.
当今的每个 (IT)人,无论您是 IT专家还是更加重视业务的顾问,均对有关SOA是什么和不是什么具有个人的定义。
IBM recognizes professional certifications in four areas: it Architecture, it Specialist, it Consultant, and Project Management.
As a result, the complexity of the XML Digital Signature and XML Encryption should be of little concern to you as an it Architect or it Specialist.
结果,XML数字签名(XML Digital Signature)和xml加密(XML Encryption)的复杂性就与作为it架构师或it专家的您关系不大了。
Once a word goes in, it doesn't come out. We have to have examples of it having passed into common usage or within a specialist area.
Well, Bollywood does it all the time. None of the beautiful people on the screen actually sing their songs. Instead there are specialist singers who do it for them.
A good ear, nose and throat specialist can tell you if it is a hearing problem, and if it isn't, they can advise you what to do next.
Gabriel Heaton, Sotheby's senior specialist in books and manuscripts, said it was "a thrill and privilege" to be selling it: "it is very exciting."
苏富比古籍及手稿类资深专家吉布尔·希顿(Gabriel Heaton)对拍售一事深感激动荣幸。
It only rated jobs for which it received at least 25 reviews, combining similar job titles, like communications specialist and public relations representative, into a single job.
Instead, deal with it immediately. If it hurts throughout two consecutive runs, visit a specialist.
Instead, deal with it immediately. If it hurts throughout two consecutive runs, visit a specialist.