It would be even better if we didn't rely on cars so much.
Then I think if I can find this photo it would be even better.
Of course, it would be even better if you can experience them yourself.
It would be even better if SketchUp's capabilities were implemented inside an Eclipse plug-in.
We must concentrate on the game, the three points, and of course with the fans at the stadium it would be even better.
Coming to think about it, maybe it would be even better if the industry stopped using labels altogether, and tried to do whatever makes sense.
It would be even better if everyone could access the album through a simple email invitation instead of having to create yet another log-in profile.
Banks will soon be holding a lot more capital than they used to, which should make the system safer-though it would be even better if they held even more.
I would prefer you allow a few days space from that date, and wait at LEAST until the new moon, August 28, to do so, and it would be even better to wait a little longer.
It would be even better if evaluations also included such information as whether a doctor has been disciplined by state medical boards or has paid a large number of malpractice settlements.
An even better solution to the cost of reading databases would be to avoid it altogether.
But the embarrassment of the latest ruling will make even more people wonder whether it would not be better simply to abolish the whole mess.
Some are even asking if it would perhaps be better to end the talks, just three weeks after their launch.
Even better code, because it is clearer and separates form from function, would be.
Corail gives them something better: the opportunity to own your own home. Even if it's a tiny house, it would be yours.
The feature would be even better if the built-in speakers weren’t on the back of the device, muffling the sound if you place it screen up on a flat surface.
如果内置扬声器不是装备在机器的背面,这个功能会更加出色。 因为当你屏幕向上把Kindle放在平坦的表面上时,声音会被压低。
It would be better in most cases to have a Team-member play the role of ScrumMaster, even if they must do this in parallel with development responsibilities.
Then focus on the debt at the top, putting as much as you can into it, even if it’s just $40-50 extra (more would be better).
This would not be love, but it would be something precious, something perhaps even better than love, a friendship for which I had been and must ever be grateful.
The plan was to cancel Perfect Strangers and replace it with another "youth oriented" program that could possibly have even higher ratings and would be a better fit with the other shows.
It's even better than I thought it would be.
Settlement of disputes through the negotiation is even more helpful than going to the court and it would be better for the businessman to settle the disputes through friendly negotiation.
I'm not sure what I will get out of this really, but if I could feel even a little better about myself, it would be worth it.
I'm not sure what I will get out of this really, but if I could feel even a little better about myself, it would be worth it.