The table full of food: roasted peppers in garlic and oil, cold cuts, contadina salad, Italian bread and onion rolls.
The humble-looking Naxi bread is a mix of an Italian pizza bianco (with its slightly oily texture) and a pretzel (with its addictive saltiness).
The Russian Easter Cake, known as a "kulich", is similar to the popular Italian holiday sweet bread called panettone.
The most famous Italian versions are pappa al pomodoro and ribollita, which is usually made with leftover bean and vegetable soup that is reheated and blended with bread.
比如意大利最有名的"Pappaal pomodoro”和“托斯卡纳汤”就是类似的做法,常常是用吃剩下的豆子和蔬菜汤,混拌一些面包,重新加热而成。
The owner of my local Italian deli sat me down for a lesson in pasta making. The bakery counter at Sainsbury's gave me some of their fresh yeast so I could make my own bread.
Offering Italian dishes-including fresh salads, pastas, and expertly prepared meats-bice Bistro also serves gourmet wood-fired pizza and warm, homemade bread.
An Italian laborer came in and asked for a loaf of white bread.
The name of the restaurant is Macerola. The excellent meal included bread with butter, pasta, salad with Italian dress, grilled potato, beer, unaware soup, especially steak.
Separate the top layer of pita bread from the bottom, and cut each into small triangular pieces, brush a little oil on the top… Put on the baking sheet, sprinkle Italian seasoning on them.
Separate the top layer of pita bread from the bottom, and cut each into small triangular pieces, brush a little oil on the top… Put on the baking sheet, sprinkle Italian seasoning on them.