She thinks about popping out the window like a jack-in-the-box, screaming and waving her arms so they can see her, being kidnapped by the middle-aged weirdo from Hell.
You can imagine prizing open Nintendo's finest artists heads and being assaulted by streams of colourful invention, pirouetting toward the sky like a hyperactive jack-in-the-box.
The Jack in the Box is a hipster CEO whose ads are filled with carefully crafted irony and an overt stoner vibe.
In dormitory , each set a general jack box under the stair rest platform of the 1st floor where adjacent to the north and south elevator seperately, and be decorated later on.
Its neglected state might make it seem as though it were abandoned, but it is home to an old man and a jack-in-the-box.
Thomas Mugridge popped out of his galley like a jack-in-the-box.
Despite starring the popular Jack Black (pictured), "Gulliver's Travels" had a disappointing run in North America, taking $42m at the box office so far.
Despite starring the popular Jack Black (pictured), "Gulliver's Travels" had a disappointing run in North America, taking $42m at the box office so far.