Three-way regulating valve is currently used to control the temperature of cooling water in jacket cooling water system of main marine diesel engine.
A water - cooling system consists of water jacket, water pump, radiator, thermostat, cooling fan, rubber hose, etc.
Structure performance: biological solid fermenter is composed by driving system, outer jacket, inner cylinder, heating, sterilization, cooling system and spraying device, etc.
For this reason, the numerical simulation on the flow and heat transfer in engine water jacket becomes a principal method to optimum cooling system.
Based on heat transfer theory, the paper analyzed the heat transfer mechanism of jacket cooling water system of main Marine diesel engine, and put forward a dynamic mathematic model for the system.
A water-cooling system consists of the engine water jacket, thermostat, water pump, radiator, radiator cap, fan, fan drive belt and necessary hoses.
A water-cooling system consists of the engine water jacket, thermostat, water pump, radiator, radiator cap, fan, fan drive belt and necessary hoses.