Under the covers, the code configures the simulator for the disk (where it loads the LISP interpreter), the card reader (where it reads the job), and the printer (where it emits the output).
The iOS simulator probably does the best job of duplicating the device experience, but you need to test on each device to make sure that everything you're using has reasonable performance.
Controlling equipment's working voice is an important job during developing simulator.
Your job is to make the airplane as easy as possible to fly so you have more time to think, plan, plot, and scheme your way to safe simulator flying.
The researches of this paper are very important and significative job to improve precision of servo-control system of three axis optical tracking test table even all type of electric simulator tables.
After rI retired from UAL as a Standards Captain on the -400, I got a job as a simulator instructor working for Alteon (a Boeing subsidiary) at Asiana.
Compared with the results of some former network simulators, the result shows that our simulator is useful to the job.
Compared with the results of some former network simulators, the result shows that our simulator is useful to the job.