Remember Joe the Plumber? Sadly, so do we.
I also felt it necessary to do a drawing of "Joe the Plumber."
Who "Joe the Plumber" is and what role he might play in the remaining 19 days of the presidential race.
Joe the Plumber said Thursday he doesn't have a license and doesn't need one, because he works for someone else.
“Joe the plumber”于本周四称,他还没有营业执照,不过他也不需要,因为现在他给别人打工。
The man who became a political sensation in America under the name "Joe the Plumber" is himself to run for Congress.
一度给美国政界带来轰动的“水管工乔”将竞选国会议员。 “水管工乔”的全名是萨缪尔·约瑟夫·沃泽尔巴彻。
The GOP ticket and their supporters have invoked Joe the Plumber numerous times ever since the Ohio man confronted Obama about his tax policy in an impromptu campaign moment.
The GOP ticket and their supporters have invoked Joe the Plumber numerous times ever since the Ohio man confronted Obama about his tax policy in an impromptu campaign moment.