Joint tort system began from committed in the private and simple system of joint and several liabilities in Roman law.
To guard against this risk, the lessee may require the lesser to provide a third-party guarantee with joint and several liabilities.
Where a realty user violates the Regulations or the owners' convention, the relevant owner shall bear joint and several liabilities for the violation.
The properties of a partnership law firm shall belong to the partners, who shall bear unlimited joint and several liabilities for the debts of the law firm.
Common violations against the intimacy privacy refer to violation conducted by two or more, who should be held joint and several liabilities for the infringements.
Unreasonable joint and several liabilities: employees have to compensate for the loss of stolen merchandises, which, as the luxury goods, may have all been insured.
It's uncontroversial to the point that the objective of joint and several liabilities which are generated from many legality actions includes many different legality relations.
It is unclear why in Chinas present civil procedure law there is a compulsory requirement that parties with joint and several liabilities or claims thereof be united in a single lawsuit.
Where the board of directors of a company fail to implement the provisions as prescribed in paragraph 1 herein, the directors in charge shall bear the joint and several liabilities according to law.
Where the board of directors of a company fail to implement the provisions as prescribed in paragraph 1 herein, the directors in charge shall bear the joint and several liabilities according to law.