Could you use a journal article?
RDF description of a journal article.
Consider the journal article about bigtable.
The Bigtable journal article is the subject in both statements.
The Bigtable journal article是两个句子的主语。
The Asia Pacific Journal article put the saving at up to 20 per cent.
So here's a recent Wall Street Journal article where the reporter did just that.
When she reread my 1986 Journal article, she found some of the boys' comments 'appalling.'
Listing 6 shows how you populate the articles table with information about the Bigtable journal article.
As today's Wall Street Journal article notes, late - state negotiations often full of brinkmanship.
Notice that the reference list includes the name of the journal article and the name of the journal.
This brief article presents a practical approach to writing a journal article, regardless of the language used.
After the time I can write some essay for the journal article, and my article is clearer and better than before.
Populate the authors and articles tables with the information assembled in the section "RDF description of a journal article."
The journal article was co-authored by Marcellus M. Merritt of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee psychology department; John J.
威斯康星- 密尔沃基大学心理学系的马塞勒斯M。梅里特;
Just after 6:30 p.m. on December 10, Mark forwarded a Wall Street Journal article. MADOFF's KIN EYED AS PROBE GRINDS on, the headline read.
Wall Street Journal article also reported that iPhone users download web data at a rate of two to four times that of other smartphone users.
"Clue such as," the author of this journal article about Bigtable has worked for the World Health Organization, "and figure out the response."
线索(比如“theauthorofthisjournal articleaboutBigtablehasworked for theWorldHealth Organization”)并形成响应。
Only 9 percent of people in China live in an environment that meets the national air quality standards, according to a scientific journal article.
根据一篇科学期刊文章表示,只有9%的中国人生活在符合国家空气质量标准的环境下。 。
In the journal article, Burton explains how treating urine samples with a certain enzyme can determine the concentration of the metabolite sarcosine.
On November 8th Kevin Warsh, a Fed governor who has long been Mr Bernanke's most loyal ally, questioned the wisdom of QE in a Wall Street Journal article.
According to a Wall Street Journal article, Japan views the agreement as key to its economic and security goals as China expands its influence in the region.
In her recent agile Journal article, the Three Pillars of Executive Support for agile Adoption, Esther gives readers some help making their agile transitions work.
OSCOLA USES little punctuation otherwise, except single inverted commas around journal article titles, and commas to separate items that would otherwise run together.
OSCOLA USES little punctuation otherwise, except single inverted commas around journal article titles, and commas to separate items that would otherwise run together.