In a Kerberos infrastructure, we have something called a key distribution center, or KDC, which provides ticket distributing functionality.
Kerberos is an integral part of Windows Active Directory implementation, and it is widely used by enterprises as the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for their Kerberos realm.
Kerberos is one such network authentication protocol that provides centralized authentication by storing the database of relevant data in a central repository known as a Key Distribution Center (KDC).
Many enterprises worldwide use IBM NAS for AIX as the Key Distribution Center (KDC) for their Kerberos realm.
全球的许多企业都使用IBMNAS forAIX作为kerberos域的密钥分发中心(KDC)。
The Key Distribution Center(KDC) is used for the initialization of the whole network.
The Key Distribution Center(KDC) is used for the initialization of the whole network.