The cave-making recipe calls for a steady emission of volcanic gas and heat, a heavy annual snowfall at an elevation high enough to keep it from melting during the summer.
Accomplishing this feat requires adaptations both to generate heat in the turtle's body and to keep it from escaping into the surrounding waters.
Set your dryer on low or medium heat, and keep the dryer about six to eight inches away from your hair.
Remember this is still producing a tremendous amount of heat assuming we can still keep it cool from the emergency coolant injection.
Keep bottled water away from heat, which promotes leaching of chemicals.
Those high, wispy clouds actually keep Earth warm, like a blanket, by preventing heat from escaping into space.
Some just prefer to sleep outside, to keep watch over their property, or to get out from the stifling heat indoors.
Reduce the heat to medium-low, cover the pot, and simmer the meatballs for 2 hours, adding some water if necessary to keep the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pot.
During a nuclear fission chain reaction, the tubes heat up to extremely high temperatures, and the way to keep them safe turns out to also be the way to extract useful energy from them.
Directing more blood to the skin removes body heat and helps keep your body's temperature from rising to dangerous levels.
Heat from the decay of naturally occurring radioactive elements could keep a planet warm enough for water.
Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head, neck and ears.
Use hand lotion to keep your hair from getting too frizzy in the heat.
The passive house USES heat from sunlight and the heat radiated by the occupants and household equipment to keep the inside temperature at a constant level of 17 to 18 degrees Celsius.
Keep it away from extreme conditions like heat or moisture since it is a natural product.
Keep your citrus oils away from heat and direct sunlight and in tightly closed containers. Your fridge would be great.
Keep away from fire and heat, keep out the reach of children.
So, find clothes you'd like to wear after your bath and keep them close to retain the heat from your bath.
Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil, chemicals, extremely hot or cold surfaces and sharp edges. Heat and oil can deteriorate cables and hoses.
Please keep power cable away from heat source, or else the cable cover will melt and a fire or electric shock may occur.
To keep its bathers from shivering and its energy bills from ballooning, the city has developed some clever ways to reuse excess heat from two unconventional sources, computer servers and sewage.
Keep cylinders protected from excessive temperatures by storing them away from radiators or other sources of heat.
Keep your eye on this frontier, steam heat from the earth may one day help keep you warm.
Keep The Container Sealed, Keep Away From Strong Oxidizing Agents. heat, Fire And Flammable Materials.
When storing, keep away from heat and bright light.
To keep ambient temperatures constant, equipment should be kept away from direct sunlight, exhaust fans, and similar sources of heat flow or moving air.
Keep away from heat, spark, flame and moisture, store in a tightly closed container in a cool and dry place.
Keep away from heat, spark, flame and moisture, store in a tightly closed container in a cool and dry place.