I'll do it—just don't keep on at me about it!
One thing I do ask you: If you are not doing it, if you don't participate, simply just keep quiet.
Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
Coach Graham knew there was really only one way to teach kids how to make it stronger: You give them something they can't do; they work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating.
All you do to solve a maze using this algorithm is keep your left hand on the left wall (or your right hand on the right wall) and just follow it along until you exit the maze.
We do encourage it, however, and in general, I find you don't have to give up that old team, you can keep your old team, even if it's teams I won't name, just keep them to the side.
Instead, read a book, take a warm bath, write down what happened that day or what you need to do tomorrow, update your goals; just keep it relaxing and simple.
It was so unbelievable that I guess you just had to rely on what you normally do, and just keep doing your job.
We just like to do things in an orderly process to keep track of when the server's started, so we remember to stop it when we're done.
When I want to nitpick nowadays, I just keep in mind that if I want to go to the trouble of offering unrequested advice, I might as well suggest I do it myself.
And then, when you keep adding force — which we will do by gravity, - we will just hang weights on it — then it starts to bend over, up to a point here which we call the elastic limit.
What we're trying to do is identify that gene and keep it from turning on, and just let the animal hatch out with its tail.
N: No, we can just keep it intimate10 and do it when all of the family is here.
As you might imagine, the configuration file (or database, if you choose to keep it there) can be used for just about anything your Web site needs to do.
But there is nothing you can do about it, so just keep quiet.
Olga: Well sometimes we do it at school but still it's just like you know to keep the tradition but usually in the family.
The key is to get up and do it, just get up and do it. Stay motivated and have that drive, that hunger to keep going.
The notebook runs just perfectly without the battery, and by taking away the battery, you will keep it in perfect condition for when you do need it.
Just as a professional athlete constantly trains to maintain a winning edge, top Sales Professionals do whatever it takes to keep their prospecting skills in tip top shape.
Now people do not have to use a dog but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.
While those props provide the power to move it, spring-loaded fins on its body do lightly brush against the inside of the pipe, just to keep the bulk of the robot from contacting it.
What I can do is just to keep it clean and dust it everyday.
Dolly, what's your secret? With all you do, your attitude Just seems to be so good, How do you keep it?
Yes, it does. Just keep an eye on me and get off one stop before I do.
But since people keep asking, I thought I would share with you just how I do it.
If you just want a thing hard enough and keep on trying, you do get it in the end.
I understand I can not deprive them of my head. what I can do just is leaving them to their own device but keep it from burgeoning in my mind.
Users open an instant messaging channel for the day. Then they just keep it open while they do other activities.
Users open an instant messaging channel for the day. Then they just keep it open while they do other activities.