He wished these cattle dealers to keep within the bounds of the law.
It hopes to join the ERM-2 (a pledge to keep the exchange rate within agreed bounds for two years) early next year in order to qualify for euro membership by 2012.
它希望能够在明年年初加入ERM - 2(保证在两年内将汇率固定在约定的范围内),以便能够在2012年前取得欧元区成员国的资格。
For example, you shouldn't rely on the script writers to keep all the numeric values within legal bounds.
All the objects in the scene affect the size of the bounding volume so try to keep them all within the visible bounds of the scene.
He knows well how to keep within the party's bounds.
WE must always keep ourselves within the bounds of discipline.
In a gear reduction unit, for example, the shaft diameters are usually set by the requirement of getting sufficient shaft stiffness to keep the misalignment of the gear teeth within strict bounds.
The purpose is to keep the tree within height and width bounds for more economical management .
The purpose is to keep the tree within height and width bounds for more economical management .