Kelly Blue Book is one of the most comprehensive used car value listings around.
Kelly Blue Book则是最为广泛的二手车价格清单之一。
Kelly Blue Book: Here you'll find all kinds of consumer information about new and used cars.
Kelly Blue Book:这里可以查询到各种新车和二手车的消费者信息。
And as Jack Nerad of Kelly Blue Book points out hybrid technology continues to make big strides.
就如《凯利蓝皮书》的Jack Nerad指出,混合技术继续取得巨大进步。
And as Jack Nerad of Kelly Blue Book points out hybrid technology continues to make big strides.
就如《凯利蓝皮书》的Jack Nerad指出,混合技术继续取得巨大进步。