It's time to be on he road like Jack Kerouac.
Recommended book: On the Road, 1957, by Jack Kerouac.
Kerouac wrote the novel fast because the "road is fast".
Jack Kerouac is a prominent writer in American literature's history.
If kerouac is the beat generation's saint ginsberg is certainly their poet laureate.
Jack Kerouac wrote this in response to Gary Snyder's suggestion that he write his first Sutra.
Overlapping that pejorative label in time was the Beat Generation, so named by the writer Jack Kerouac in the '50s.
So, this is not yet that idealized speech that Kerouac is dreaming of when he writes the list of Essentials for Spontaneous Prose.
It allows us to delete, shift sections around and continually edit, in the way that Kerouac, writing on his lengthy scrolls, could not.
Kerouac was criticising 1950s consumerism, of course, but his description captures what makes a city thrive: millions hustling for a buck.
That question, posed by Jack Kerouac on behalf of the Beat generation half a century ago, is the biggest uncertainty hanging over the world economy.
Barry Miles is the author of biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski and other books about the Beat Generation.
The Chinese press did tout me as a sixties icon, however, and posted my picture all over the place with Joan Baez, Che Guevara, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.
This is the original typescript put into pages, but, as I think I mentioned in my first lecture, Kerouac 120-foot roll of paper. He just stuck it in the typewriter.
When my sons are with their mother I like to imagine that they think I'm reading Jack Kerouac, cheering on Arsenal and listening to Kings of Leon (in reality it's Nicola Roberts).
当我的儿子们和他们母亲在一起的时候,我希望他们在想我在读杰克·凯鲁亚克的书,庆祝阿森纳的胜利,听莱昂国王乐队的歌(实际上我听的是Nicola Roberts)。
Holy Peter holy Allen holy Solomon holy Lucien holy Kerouac holy Huncke holy Burroughs holy Cassady holy the unknown buggered and suffering beggar holy the hideous human angels!
Unhappy with his first draft of on the Road, Jack Kerouac stuck together 12ft reels of paper and typed flat out for 20 days to achieve the spontaneous composing technique he wanted.
Chapter four analyzes the Spontaneous Prose Method of Kerouac, which is based on the sound and effect of oral English, suggesting that sound is the key of reconstruction of literature truthfulness.
Chapter four analyzes the Spontaneous Prose Method of Kerouac, which is based on the sound and effect of oral English, suggesting that sound is the key of reconstruction of literature truthfulness.