In parliamentary systems like that of Belgium or the United Kingdom, the existing ministers remain in office when parliament is dissolved in anticipation of an election.
Australia has a reputation for being a nation of heavydrinkerscoming in at number 14 for beer consumption per capitabehindGermany, the United Kingdom and Belgium, says the WorldHealthOrganisation.
After briefly being incorporated in the First French Empire under Napoleon, the Kingdom of the Netherlands was formed in 1815, consisting of the present day Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
An example of bootlegging is the illegal traffic of hand-rolling tobacco between Belgium and the United Kingdom.
According to Vincke, acknowledgement of fraud in France led to the establishment of a counter-fraud service based on best practice in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
7th Apr 1982 Cameroon Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, Finland, Hungary, India, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Philippines, United Kingdom, United States of America, Uruguay, Yugoslavia.
But confusion is understandable, the general region has been renamed a lot over a thousand years, including as the Dutch Republic, the United States of Belgium and the Kingdom of Holland.
Most of our products are exported to Denmark, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Russia, Israel, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and domestic market.
Most of our products are exported to Denmark, Belgium, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Russia, Israel, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and domestic market.