Do not be knocking-out or damage packaging.
Australia's hopes of reaching the knocking-out stages were badly dented after June 14's 4-0 defeat by Germany.
He kicked Gomez in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
My foot slipped from under me, knocking the other out of the way, but I recovered and said to myself that it's a slip and not a fall.
That talent for slugging will be an asset when De Leon starts boxing professionally, where at least part of the object is knocking out an opponent.
Thus, Dr Zoghbi predicts that knocking out the receptors with drugs will help calm the animals.
As he pummeled reigning champ Tommy Burns, police stormed the ring to stop the fight, and film cameras were shut off to spare the world the sight of a black knocking out a white for the crown.
They also measured the bites of small sharks such as sand sharks, and tested larger sharks by knocking them out and using electricity to stimulate the jaw muscles.
But what if Israel succeeds in knocking much of this hardware out?
It's like running around knocking coconuts out of trees, when you should be planting coconut trees for the future.
Hearing those words announcing his death was like a blow to the solar plexus knocking the breath out of me, but telling the rest of my family was more dreadful.
Their candidate, Bridget Fox, is out knocking on doors every night, with a large team of volunteers.
In other experiments, they discovered that "knocking" out the gene that produces SP in transgenic mice lowered their chances of acquiring the condition.
Competitors must be masters of both knocking out and checkmating opponents, as the sport involves alternating rounds of chess and boxing.
So setup your goals, map out the necessary steps and start knocking them off one at a time.
The resulting solar storm could cause a geomagnetic storm on Earth, knocking out electricity grids around the world for hours, days, or even months, bringing much of normal life grinding to a halt.
Given the choice between taking downtime to develop and mail invoices or go onsite to complete another service call, rookie consultants almost always favor knocking out additional service calls.
The film mirrors the real tournament draw and shows Austria knocking out Switzerland in the quarter-finals before causing an upset with a win over Germany in the semis.
That is partly because the earthquake struck the capital, Port-au-Prince, knocking out such institutions as the country possessed.
Shortening your todo list to just the most critical, must-do tasks will give you the “energy” to start knocking out those tasks.
I watched Palin take a club to a huge halibut that was flopping around on the deck of a boat, knocking it out cold so it could be thrown into the hold of a professional fishing vessel.
A key short-run issue in advanced countries is that balance sheet pressures are knocking the wind out of the recovery.
I love the convenience - I'm happy knocking one up out of the ingredients to hand while I'm working - and I don't care if it is a complete myth that the Earl of Sandwich invented it while gambling.
The United States took the lead in knocking out Libyan air defenses.
The problem is that many of the factors driving the hemoglobin switch also have other crucial roles in red blood cells and in other parts of the body; knocking them out creates severe new problems.
Figuring out responses ahead of time will make door-knocking easier.
A day after the levees broke, the generators in the hospital failed, knocking out ventilators, transfusion machines and fresh water supplies. Nineteen patients died.
One possible approach to fighting the diseases involves knocking out the presence of prions altogether, including both the normal and abnormal forms.
One possible approach to fighting the diseases involves knocking out the presence of prions altogether, including both the normal and abnormal forms.