THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka.
It started building Buddhist shrines in 578ad, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.
Hypothetical Kongo replacements. The first uses 16" guns in new "Yamato" style turrets, the other uses turrets recycled from the older Battleships.
The JS Kongo also participated, tracking the targets and conducting a successful simulated intercept. The target fell harmlessly into the Pacific Ocean.
The AN/SPY-1 and the MK99 are currently aboard the U.S. Navy's fleet of cruisers and destroyers, as well as Japanese Kongo-class destroyers and Spanish F-100-class frigates.
THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka. It started building Buddhist shrines in 578AD, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.
THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka. It started building Buddhist shrines in 578AD, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.