THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka.
THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka. It started building Buddhist shrines in 578AD, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.
世界上历史最悠久的企业金刚组(Kongo Gumi),是位于大阪的一家建筑公司,它从公元578年开始建造佛教庙宇,传了40代以后,现在仍然由一位金刚家族的男士打理。
THE oldest company in the world is Kongo Gumi, a construction firm based in Osaka. It started building Buddhist shrines in 578AD, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.
世界上历史最悠久的企业金刚组(Kongo Gumi),是位于大阪的一家建筑公司,它从公元578年开始建造佛教庙宇,传了40代以后,现在仍然由一位金刚家族的男士打理。