In recent years, labor shortage, especially in technology and labor shortages especially in class.
On the other hand, labor shortages promote production methods change in the construction industry indirectly.
It is true that at times the U. s. A. has experienced periods of acute unemployment as well as labor shortages.
While the United States for the characteristics of their own labor shortages, to develop capital-intensive industries.
At the same time, low fertility rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortages.
This could result in serious labor shortages, the withdrawal of foreign companies, and a drop in university candidates.
Most of the country has not yet seen a return of the labor shortages that started appearing shortly before the global economic downturn began.
It is a story playing out across Silicon Valley, where restaurateurs say that staying afloat is a daily battle with rising rents, high local fees and acute labor shortages.
Companies in the Pearl River Delta, the country's manufacturing heartland, are facing major labor shortages after workers are failing to return after the Spring Festival holiday.
The high salaries stem from the chronic labor shortages in these occupations during the boom years when South Koreans shunned them as too dirty, leaving them to Asian migrant laborers.
The system prevents young workers from migrating to urban areas to relieve labor shortages, but officials fear that abolishing it could release a flood of humanity that would swamp the cities.
Forecasting: the attempts to determine the supply of and demand for various types of human resources to predict areas within the organization where there will be future labor shortages or surpluses.
The organization shall prepare contingency plans to satisfy customer requirements in the event of an emergency such as utility interruptions, labor shortages, key equipment failure and field returns.
Fertility rates in many European nations and Japan have dropped below the replacement rate, causing concern that shortages of labor and productivity could threaten the quality of life.
In some developed cities in the labor market, there have been serious shortages of skilled personnel, especially high-skilled personnel.
Solving large, medium and small businesses artificially shortages, production efficiency, low labor and material consumptions cost increase, management and so on many substantive issues.
The world's most populous nation, which has built its economic strength on seemingly endless supplies of cheap labor, China may soon face manpower shortages.
The current disposal system of labor dispute, which refers to "one cohesion, one mediation, one arbitral and two trials", remains some shortages.
In an increasingly interconnected global economy, shortages of labor and manufacturing capacity in any one country cannot be inflationary. They can't because, as we've regularly seen with u.
In an increasingly interconnected global economy, shortages of labor and manufacturing capacity in any one country cannot be inflationary. They can't because, as we've regularly seen with u.