Results: the frontal, nasociliary and lacrimal nerve, divisions of ophthalmic nerve, entered the orbit via the superior orbital fissure.
There are communicating branches among the temporal branches, the zygomatic branches and the supraorbital and lacrimal nerves of the ophthalmic nerve.
Lacrimal gland enlargement may be seen. CT and MRI may also show "stretching" and apical crowding of the optic nerve with an enlarged superior ophthalmic vein.
Shape and margin: Most tumors had an irregular shape with obscure margin, infiltrating around the structures of the eyeball, lacrimal gland, extraocular muscle, optic nerve and (or) bone.
Shape and margin: Most tumors had an irregular shape with obscure margin, infiltrating around the structures of the eyeball, lacrimal gland, extraocular muscle, optic nerve and (or) bone.