We always do a land office business at this time of year.
The increase of enterprises in recent years, let the land office is also expanding office blossom everywhere, especially in big city.
Their phones -- their land lines, at home or at the office -- could ring and ring.
"On what basis can you say rural kids have to farm the land while city people get to sit in an office drinking and eating," a reader from Anhui Province wrote on the popular Sina web portal.
Going into an employer's office and asking for an opportunity anyway takes guts, but that can be enough to land you a job.
But he was clearly mindful of the moment, when the son of an Kenyan father who once herded goats attained the highest office in the land — and the most powerful position in the world.
Once in office, Jefferson extended slavery with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803; the new land was carved into 13 states, including three slave states.
New coworkers, a new office, and a brand new work culture all lend to the feeling that you are a stranger in an even stranger land.
Growth in construction loans (for land purchases and home - and office-building) peaked at 36% a year in early 2006, leaving small Banks horribly over-exposed (see left-hand chart, below).
It's possible he wanted still more money or land or power--maybe he was the one workaholic who really spent his last minutes wishing he'd spent more time at the office.
Growth in construction loans (for land purchases and home - and office-building) peaked at 36% a year in early 2006, leaving small Banks horribly over-exposed.
Adds Asresash Hailu from the Woreda’s Women’s Affairs office: “Women have come to understand their rights and the benefits associated with them, not only in terms of land, but overall.
该区妇女事务办公室的Asresash Hailu补充说:“妇女已开始认识到自己的权利及与权利相关的效益,这些权利不仅包括土地权利,还包括其它各方面的权利。
Textron Marine & Land Systems (TM&LS), has been selected for a Phase II contract by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) to continue development of the Sea Base Connector, Transformable Craft (T-Craft).
“Even if you gave the population there the land, they do not have the means to develop it, nor does the state,” said Abou Sow, the executive director of Office du Niger.
And say to the priest in office at the time, "I declare today to the LORD your God that I have come to the land the LORD swore to our forefathers to give us."
The town donated land, local residents contributed office and medical equipment and some of the potential patients volunteered their weekends ornamenting the building that would become the clinic.
Completion date is when title (ownership) is transferred in the Land title Office to the buyer and when the seller receives the sale proceeds.
The strata corporation is created when the original developer files a strata plan in the Land Title Office.
Real property relates to land and those things, such as home, barns, and office buildings, which are more or less permanently attached to it.
Workshops and supporting office, technical center, employee's dining hall, dormitory, training center, quality inspection building and so on will be constructed on the industrial land.
Occupying 59 hectares of land, it boasts 34 theatres and 1,200,000 square meters of office, retail, hotel, entertainment and cultural Spaces.
It was a hot day. Drive-ins were doing a land-office business in ice cream and cold drinks.
Emotional land romantic things belong outside the office, though sometimes lay us so low they make us unfit for work.
Diversiform people have, a busy office workers, school uniforms have dressed, preparatory school students, and my mother and I, from the proud land passengers!
In charge of National Land and Recourses Bureau, Construction Committee, Plan Management Bureau, City Management Bureau, Civil Air-defense Office, Housing Public Fund Management Centre, etc.
In charge of National Land and Recourses Bureau, Construction Committee, Plan Management Bureau, City Management Bureau, Civil Air-defense Office, Housing Public Fund Management Centre, etc.