The engine of one landing craft was still running.
Landing craft are primarily designed for offensive operations.
When we came to the rusting hulk of a landing craft, he skipped away to play.
Pug got along well with burne-wilke, who had fully grasped the landing craft problem .
We were there nine months repairing many of the landing craft used during many of the invasions.
The landing craft is driven by two 12V150 diesels rated at 600hp, giving a max speed of 12 knots.
The landing craft is driven by two 12V150C diesels rated at 600hp, giving a max speed of 11.5 knots.
The U. S. has 30, all much larger and equipped with flight decks and helicopters, plus landing craft.
The Allies assembled a gargantuan naval Armada, from battleships and destroyers to landing craft and coasters.
Including the landing craft carried on board, the combined Allied invasion Armada numbered up to 6,000 ships.
All ships except the submarine have landing craft attached to them. These can be used to make landing assaults.
On Omaha Beach, American forces fight through a withering crossfire as they leave their landing craft in rough seas.
The moon, Mars, Venus, two asteroids and even one of the moons of Saturn have all received the attentions of landing craft.
He commanded a landing craft taking part in the invasion of Sicily and Elba and later ferried supplies to the Yugoslav partisans.
When the exploration was completed, the two astronauts on the moon would blast off in the landing craft to join the moon-ship once more.
Lasers beamed from landing craft could, he says, power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found.
When the troops aboard his landing craft splashed ashore during an allied amphibious attack at Anzio, Italy, Arness was chosen to lead the way.
有一次,盟军在义大利安齐奥发动两栖进攻,登陆艇靠岸时, 阿尼斯奉命率领同袍下水抢滩。
This would consist of not only the Orion capsule but perhaps a habitation module and a landing craft to go down to the surface of another planetary body.
The eight-day mission was commanded by Armstrong, who, along with Aldrin, stepped out of their Eagle landing craft, planted an American flag and saluted it.
According to Mr Petro, lasers beamed from landing craft could power rovers in sunless areas of the moon or Mars, such as craters where water might be found.
Landing craft are boats and seagoing vessels used to convey a landing force (infantry and vehicles) from the sea to the shore during an amphibious assault.
Russian military-industrial complex website reported that China is negotiating with Ukraine for the bulk purchase of "European Zubr" air cushion landing craft.
The drills involved a total of 14 patrolboats, landing craft and submarine hunting boats, as well as two militaryaircraft, the official People's Daily newspaper said.
The U. S. is sea-basing its operations on an aircraft carrier, an amphibious assault ship, and a hospital ship and is using helicopters and landing craft for movement.
The troops were using boats called LCVPs (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel) - smaller versions of the drop-bow boats that would later storm beaches from Normandy to Iwo Jima.
Instead of armaments, hospital supplies and the materials to build a school were unloaded from a ship to the platform, and thence to landing craft which disgorged them onto a beach.
Instead of armaments, hospital supplies and the materials to build a school were unloaded from a ship to the platform, and thence to landing craft which disgorged them onto a beach.