Unveiled recently by environment minister, Tony Burke, the proposal would be the last in a series of proposed marine reserves around Australia's coast.
The sun broke through at last in the afternoon.
The first student went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the last in autumn.
She finished her homework at last in the evening.
Title pages were generally prepared last in the publication process, often without full authorial assent, and in the last-minute rush to press, mistakes were frequently made.
If you have no specialized skills, there's little reason to uproot to another state and be the last in line for a low-paying job at a new auto plant or a green-energy startup.
What of the last in the Arab 2011?
Being last in line to get cake or ice cream at a party.
B: We need to know how long this product will last in the field.
And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.
I was picked last in flag football and I sometimes ate lunch by myself.
Stacks are used for storing data accessed in Last in, First Out (LIFO) order.
Monday's injunction was the last in a series of attempts to halt the auction.
Each manager had to cut one employee, and unfortunately, I was last in, first out.
This made us question; how long does garlic last in our mouth, particularly the odor it brings?
This breaks the ability to specify additional arguments to any command but the last in the expansion.
Last in time is calculated based on the time when the most recent event was added to a unit of work.
Last intime根据最近事件添加到工作单元的时间计算。
Time spent on reading meant fewer hours watching TV and listening to the radio - India came fourth last in both.
My only regret is that steam locomotives in Namibia puffed their last in 1960, replaced by diesel-electric engines.
France finished last in its group for the 2nd time in its last 3 World Cups, ending a miserable spell for the French.
Brazil came dead last in maths and fourth from the bottom in reading in tests administered in 40 countries by the OECD.
Shamed by the attention, the courts at last in 2006 convicted Manu Sharma, the accused, and sentenced him to life in prison.
It has tab-key completion of filenames (csh uses the Esc key), and it lets you switchto the directory you were last in with cd -.
tcsh使用tab键补全文件名(csh使用Esc键),并使用cd -让你切换到上一次所在的目录。
He has completed filming the last in the series of the Potter films and his next role will be in the ghost story "Woman in Black".
This column, the last in the current round of development around the Handler Compiler (HC), delivers the first working version of HC.
It did not avoid the downturn, but was among the last in and the first out. Its economy is growing again at an annualised rate of 5%.
Mild beer , last in fashion when the Beatles were still at school, is making a comeback in Britain, according to a real ale lobby group.
Mild beer , last in fashion when the Beatles were still at school, is making a comeback in Britain, according to a real ale lobby group.