A West Virginia man is laying claim to one of the world's smallest chicken eggs.
The act of laying claim to and defending a territory is termed territoriality.
Will those laying claim to it please form a double line at the customer service counter?
West Virginia man is laying claim to one of the world's smallest chicken eggs. Whether it's a record remains to be seen.
Meanwhile, a number of new Gatsby-esque villas and vacation homes are laying claim to the island’s limestone cliffs and virgin coastline.
Now it is one of a host of countries eagerly laying claim to swathes of the seafloor that may one day yield huge riches. That is the hope anyway.
Olson's second kind of capture involved interest groups' laying claim to an expanding federal budget for outright payments of federal monies-a more unlimited danger.
The countries laying claim to this bounty have all been building up their navies, notably China which this week officially confirmed long-known plans to deploy its first aircraft-carrier.
We cannot accept any librarian’s claim of professionalism without objective evidence because there is an inherent self-interest laying in that claim.
We cannot accept any librarian 's claim of professionalism without objective evidence because there is an inherent self-interest laying in that claim.
A month later it was an American who sailed inland on the Columbia, laying the basis for the United States' future claim to much of the region.
A month later it was an American who sailed inland on the Columbia, laying the basis for the United States' future claim to much of the region.