In technology, four process schemes, such as crude ore cyanide leaching, flotation -cyanide leaching of flotation concentrate, fractional bulk flotation and selective flotation, were put forward.
A process of acid leaching under pressure of polymetallic sulphide flotation concentrates and various influence factors on leaching is studied.
In general, the recovery of gold in arsenian gold ores usually is made by use of flotation cyanide leaching or flotation roasting cyanide leaching technological process.
By investigating the process mineralogy, the occurrence states of copper in the ore were found out, thus the treatments of sulphidizing flotation and bacteria leaching of copper oxide ore were made.
The properties of Yun Long refractory silver-copper ore are summarized. The feasibility as well as the pilot test result of the acid leaching-sulfide precipitation flotation process is demonstrated.
For a certain refractory Cu-Zn ore, a new process of bulk flotation-oxidizing roasting-selective leaching-Cu-Zn electrowinning is proposed.
For a certain refractory Cu-Zn ore, a new process of bulk flotation-oxidizing roasting-selective leaching-Cu-Zn electrowinning is proposed.