Most leading stock markets suffered only modest falls at worst and there was limited evidence of rising risk aversion in currency markets.
In the meantime, some leading stock markets such as Germany's DAX have fallen sharply over the past two days, with the US markets showing deterioration in breadth.
The extent of investors' concern about the news from the emirate pushed Britain's leading stock market index down 3.2%, the biggest daily fall in nearly nine months.
The concern over bonds infected the stock market where Italian Banks, leading holders of their country's debt, were particularly badly hit.
Major stock indexes in the United States rose about 4 percent onMonday, while a leading index of blue-chip stocks in the euro zone rosemore than 10 percent.
Prudential climbed 3.6 percent to 634 pence as UBS added the stock to its European "key calls" list, leading a measure of insurers to the biggest gain among 19 industry groups in the Stoxx 600.
The rise in ReneSola's share price means the stock has now gained 5.5% so far this year, much less than the 35% jump for the index of 100 leading Aim shares.
That's why stock prices are one of the 10 components of the index of leading indicators.
Rather than being a leading indicator of an economic recovery, a growing suspicion is the A-share move is due to the huge bank stimulus lending being funneled into the stock market.
Leading managers have low salaries and often let stock options expire even when they are in the money, which suggests that rewards are not closely tied to creating value for shareholders.
Leading to dispose short shelf life finish pack and return and last stock to market activity.
When stock markets in the United States, Europe and Asia continued to plunge, the world’s leading central banks on Oct. 8 , with the Federal Reserve cutting its two main rates by half a point.
美国、欧洲和亚洲的股市持续下跌。 10月8日,全球各主要央行联手大幅降息,美联储也降息0.5%。
Leading share rises on the stock exchange.
Approximately 40% of the leading 100 companies on the London Stock Exchange and 95 of the Global 1500 have captives based in the Island.
Macro-data: Stock-Watson experimental coincidental leading and recession indexes;
China and Russia banned imports from some U. S. states and Mexico, and stock prices for the nation's leading pork companies, Smithfield Foods Inc. and Tyson Foods Inc., took a hit.
As is known to all: when a wave came, the main item stock market rise often is very breathtaking, whether he will catch leading shares?
Stock wave is a direct impact result of various reasons by using model to analyze recent Chinese stock market. Diffusion and impact, other factors remaining stable have leading function.
On the one hand, exports decline in the stock market is on the other hand, the real estate bubble burst, leading to many bankruptcies.
But in practice, due to stock market information asymmetry and information disclosure are not rigorous, leading to the System of Trading Halts as some investors profit of internal information tool.
If you are the all-Buffett, the stock market has long been leading up the bottom half Of.
This paper builds on and extends existing literature on execution cost and expected return in quote - driven stock markets where market makers play a leading role in determining bid - ask spreads.
After the limitation on put-option for stock prices is removed, the bidirectionally fluctuation spillover will exist in both stocks and futures; yet, stocks will take stronger leading place.
After the limitation on put-option for stock prices is removed, the bidirectionally fluctuation spillover will exist in both stocks and futures; yet, stocks will take stronger leading place.