There is no significant differences in systematic and random set-up errors after shrinking field, except that the random set-up error variation is greater in the left-right direction.
A controlled number of these dots are purposely moving uniformly in the same direction, and the test subject simply has to say whether he believes those dots are moving to the left or right.
When the day was cloudy, the wanderers indeed walked in circles, but not by turning consistently in one direction. Instead they veered randomly left and right, repeatedly crossing their own paths.
I've found your post, Think About your Life Goals, and it's started me in the right direction, but left a lot of open questions.
In the example above, the image on the left shows the back of both hands and the models right wrist (camera left) is broken in an unnatural direction.
To obtain the right float behavior, simply swap the direction (that is, left becomes right).
The direction of requestReport.mlyt is from left to right, while the requestReport_ar_EG.mlyt is from right to left.
mlyt的方向是从左到右,而 requestReport_ar_EG.mlyt的方向是从右到左。
Many of the key molecules for life have a specific direction, or handedness: DNA twists to the right, amino acids to the left.
They sort left from right versions using circularly polarised light, whose electric field corkscrews through space in a left or right-handed direction.
It tugs at your hand, moving forward, backward, left and right to offer cues on direction and keep drivers from being distracted.
And I'm going to put a torque on this bicycle wheel in this direction, so I'm going to put my right hand towards you and my left hand away from you.
Left swing is clockwise, and the right swing is counterclockwise, it requires you to change the direction of movement of the body, which will make the right swing strength is not enough.
One is for the normal situation in which the direction is left to right, and the other is for bidi support.
一个用于普通的从左到右的情况,而另一个用于提供 bidi支持。
At RealD 3-d shows, a projector alternately displays the left-eye and right-eye images, each in an oppositely circular polarized direction, 144 times per second.
Arabic is written in the opposite direction to English, that is, from right to left.
Direction of feed shall be from right to left hand unless otherwise specified.
A car, under the direction of its driver, has two freedoms motion, it can also turn left or right.
Rough turning tools can be right-hand or left-hand types, depending upon the direction of feed.
One has only to provide it with a vectorial direction, here anti-clockwise-this is governed by the fact that, at least in our writing, you read things from left to right.
This means that the base direction is left-to-right.
The results showed that elite athletes' neck tension senses from anterior, left and right direction were greatly higher than that of common level athletes.
Evening faces Big Dipper time, is, the right side is at back, left is . Hint: Fill direction inside.
For the counter attacking target man (quick striker), I like to give him a side arrow; direction usually depending on whether he is better with his left or right foot.
The packages in Figure 29 are arranged horizontally, with dependencies drawn from left to right to reflect the direction that people in Western cultures read.
The boat turns in the direction opposite that in which the tiller is pushed: to turn right (to starboard), push the tiller left (to port).
What is the greatest product of four adjacent Numbers in any direction (up, down, left, right, or diagonally) in the 2020 grid?
P-wave displacement is a polar vector, and its direction remains unchanged when we move it from right hand coordinate system to left hand coordinate system(or in the opposite way).
Horizontal shift allows you to move the projected image to the left or right of center in a range equal to 35% of the picture width in either direction.
Horizontal shift allows you to move the projected image to the left or right of center in a range equal to 35% of the picture width in either direction.