The left-lateral strike-slip movement of the Zhongwei fault zone since late Pleistocene caused the differentiation of preexisting overthrust faults in the zone.
This paper considers that Aerjin Mountain strike-slip fault structure is a huge tectonic zone with the property of left active anticlockwise and thrust nappes and ductile shear zone.
The secular GPS crustal deformation image has reflected the relatively complete left lateral strike slip movement of this active fault zone.
ETM data reveal that the Yuanmou fault is mainly characterized by horizontal left-lateral and shear strike-slip, including ringent shear and pressed shear in part.
From this, it has been inferred that the strike of the dislocating fault plane of the main shock is NWW. It seems to be a left lateral horizontal slip fault with high dipping Angle.
The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic era of south Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone.
The Fangxian basin of Cenozoic era of south Qinling is a pull-apart basin at the southeastern end of the Ankang-Zhushan-Fangxian NW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault zone.