Synopsis: In the sleepy town of Riverton, legend tells of a serial killer who swore he would return to murder the seven children born the night he died.
Every schoolchild here learns the legend of "the great Yu," whose prodigious feats of canal building and drainage ditch digging 4,000 years ago put an end to killer floods on the Yellow River.
Every schoolchild here learns the legend of "the great Yu," whose prodigious feats of canal building and drainage ditch digging 4, 000 years ago put an end to killer floods on the Yellow River.
Every schoolchild here learns the legend of "the great Yu, " whose prodigious feats of canal building and drainage ditch digging 4,000 years ago put an end to killer floods on the Yellow River.
Every schoolchild here learns the legend of "the great Yu, " whose prodigious feats of canal building and drainage ditch digging 4,000 years ago put an end to killer floods on the Yellow River.